Just got Zend Framework 1.0.1 and Smarty to work together!!!
ain't that easy...
here's what i did:
- get familiar with zend framework (zf) MVC. sure is complicated!!
- look at http://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/120 and it also has some nice comments.
- look at http://www.kitpages.fr/zf_integrerSmarty.php (google can translate this and the code is very readable)
- bear with: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.actionhelpers.html#zend.controller.actionhelpers.viewrenderer
- i got a zf tutorial up and running:
http://akrabat.com/zend-auth-tutorial/ - now, the zf / smarty integration
- Create smarty directory under my root with cache, config, and template_c dirs ( same level as app, library, …)
- Add smarty lib to include path: . PATH _SEPARATOR . './library/smarty/'
- Create a file and load smarty lib code from http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.view.scripts.html#zend.view.scripts.templates: require_once('zend_view_smarty.php');
- Follow: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.controller.actionhelpers.html#zend.controller.actionhelpers.viewrendererExample 7.10. Changing the path specifications. see my bootstrap code below
- Controller: render normally
- Both auto-rendering and explicitly calling $this->render(); worked.
- View: create smarty .tpl files in same place zend views would go.
- In .tpl, use {$var_name} to get vars that are set.
- tried it and it works!
- Still need to figure out how to call my own php functions in smarty templates (ie: view helpers)
here's the code in my bootstrap:
// Different view implementation
//$view = new ZF_Smarty();
$smarty_config = array(
'compile_dir' => './smarty/templates_c/',
'config_dir' => './smarty/configs/',
'cache_dir' => './smarty/cache/',
'debugging' => true,
$view = new Zend_View_Smarty('./application/views/scripts/', $smarty_config);
$viewRenderer = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer($view);
- i still got a warning from a zend framework lib. i patched my version of zend lib that has my Zend\Controller\Action\Helper\ViewRenderer.php so a warning does not appear:
- $currentPaths is assumed to be an array by the foreach loop. but this variable can be a string also, in which case the foreach loop emits a warning
- in initView(), add:
$currentPaths = array_merge( (array) $currentPaths); - if this was helpful to you, leave a comment (especially if you find any issues with this approach!)
- oops, i just found a couple of posts that use a similar process: http://naneau.nl/2007/05/31/using-naneau_view_smarty-with-rc1 and http://my.opera.com/zomg/blog/2007/07/31/smarty-zend-view-take-three (not sure which version of zf this uses). well, it's good to have confirmation!
- 9/7/07: found another smarty integration eg: http://framework.zend.com/wiki/display/ZFUSER/Kevin+Vaughan
- Oh, did you want unit tests with your Zend MVC?? That will be extra... check out http://www.nabble.com/How-to-use-PHPUnit-in-a-MVC-project-tf3965725s16154.html#a12396382 yeah, works with smarty too!
- 10/15/07: what is the performance of zend framework with smarty? I modified a version of this smarty setup and found it to be about the same as http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-ZF-performance-advice-p13185506s16154.html That is, it generates pages in about 0.4 sec with some spikes higher.
- 11/22/07: see this bug fix: http://framework.zend.com/issues/browse/ZF-1901
Hey, my post (http://my.opera.com/zomg/blog/2007/07/31/smarty-zend-view-take-three) is about ZF version 1.0.0, so it should work with version above that since there haven't been any changes in the view classes since 1.0.0
I am curious... Are you using Smarty with the Zend Framework because you feel that there are some distinct advantages in doing so? Or is it that you and/or your designers are just accustomed to using it now?
I have used Smarty on a few sites and I never felt that it was all that advantageous. ZF seems to make the passing of data to the View fairly easy and with it being such a hassle to integrate Smarty, I am just wondering if you think it is worth it? Maybe I am just missing some big advantage, but I don't see it...
Smarty template code can be edited in dreamweaver easily. PHP in dreamweaver is displayed in an odd way making dreamweaver pretty useless for crafting the html.
(btw, sorry about the delayed response, but blogger did not notify me of your comment)
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