Monday, September 04, 2006

DSLExtreme Review: Very Poor Uptime Reliability (goes down a lot)

DSLExtreme - Homepage

dslextreme went down again just now. i called tech support and waited on hold for an hour. when my turn came up, they hung up on me!!! they know what the problem is: the service is down. the status recording says everything is operational -- ha!

i really regret signing up with dslextreme!!

the previous time i called tech support, he said i should reset my dsl modem to fix it. i did that this time several times. did not fix the problem. it's a network problem -- i can tell by calling customer support and not being able to get through. that's what happened this time when i called back after they hung up on me.

i wish i could quit them. but their terms are: $250 cancellation fee!!! yes, that's outragous!!

See the last comment for a fix to this problem!! or just click on DSLExtreme Fix


Beach_Blogger said...

dslextreme goes down again today. resetting the modem does not help.

Beach_Blogger said...

dslextreme goes down again this morning. it take more than one hard reset of the dsl modem before dslextreme comes back up. it causes me to be a little later to get to work. thanks dslextreme!! ha!

Beach_Blogger said...

yup, good old reliable dslextreme was down again this morning. luckly, only 2 modem restarts got me up...

Beach_Blogger said...

9/12/06. well, this is new: dslextreme went down twice today (that I know of): once in the morning and once at night. isn't that special!

what a terrible service!!

Beach_Blogger said...

9/13 down again this morning. 2 morings in a row. let's see if dslextreme will be down for N days in a row (currently N = 2 days).

took 1 modem reset (plus multiple browser waits after that reset) to get back on-line

Beach_Blogger said...

9/13 PM. dslextreme goes down again. i wonder if every time i sit down at my computer i can expect dslextreme to go down. dslextreme sucks big time!!

so this is their dsl going down twice in 1 day. took 2 modem resets and multiple page reloads. 5 minutes wasted on dslextreme.

Beach_Blogger said...

well, i was quite surprised when dslextreme did not go down yesterday - was there some sort of change? is this the "new and improved" dslexteme?? No. today, it goes down again. a brief one, but the same old unreliable dslextreme. well, i'm still hoping they will get their act together...

Beach_Blogger said...

went down again. oddly, gmail still worked. i wonder if it's really the DNS that's going down. i looked but can't seem to set the dns server in my gateway. i could try my pc next time.

Beach_Blogger said...

dslextreme went down for over 2 hours last night!! really poor!

i tried adjusting my dns on my pc but it did not help. i think it's their dns. when it's down, it's always stuck on "looking". moreover, ajax sites are still up and running (eg: gmail)

Beach_Blogger said...

Lucky Reader, I found a fix to this problem!! I've posted the fix at
DSLExtreme fix

Anonymous said...

I experience the same C*ap with DSLExtreme. There have been numerous incidents where the connection suddenly drops for unknown reasons. Whenever I try to connect to certain websites, connection gets dropped. The only way to fix this issue is to unhook my modem physically and re-connect. Gotta talk to one of the tech-support guys there.

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

Anonymous said...

Oh have things have since devolved ...
I have used them for a couple of years plus, but no more now
Just had the WORST
Trying to cancel with these soul-sucking goons.
They have recently since outsourced ALL THE SUPPORT
the reps are clueless robots that will drive you complete MAD and you feel HELPLESS, I am telling you it is the WORST FEELING
like they have you by the balls
they lied to us, ignored us and tried to cheat and rape us for more money
I put my foot down and WON
you have to go online and publicly shame them on a certain DSL REPORT site to get through to any actual result, they only help you when you air it out publicly
I found out the hard way, good luck to anyone still in this mess. You will need it. Take my advice and hang up the phone I did it far too late, go online and rip their A open like they deserve for constantly A-raping the small folks like us who DON'T have this money to be cheated out of

Anonymous said...

Oh how things have since devolved ...
I have used them for a couple of years plus, but no more now
Just had the WORST
Trying to cancel with these soul-sucking goons.
They have recently since outsourced ALL THE SUPPORT
the reps are clueless robots that will drive you complete MAD and you feel HELPLESS, I am telling you it is the WORST FEELING
like they have you by the balls
they lied to us, ignored us and tried to cheat and rape us for more money
I put my foot down and WON
you have to go online and publicly shame them on a certain DSL REPORT site to get through to any actual result, they only help you when you air it out publicly
I found out the hard way, good luck to anyone still in this mess. You will need it. Take my advice and hang up the phone I did it far too late, go online and rip their A open like they deserve for constantly A-raping the small folks like us who DON'T have this money to be cheated out of

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I'm a web dude and this is my geek blog. There should be lots of content ... if I'm working hard ...