Tuesday, December 12, 2006

should i buy "scalable internet architectures" by Theo Schlossnagle ?

table of contents:
note: no topics really interest me!!

targeted for for huge sites -- http://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/893

amazon review is not that positive.

good review:
i like this topic: scaling up architectures

Monday, October 16, 2006

DSLExtreme Poor Reliability Problem -- How to fix it!

In a previous review of DSLExtreme, I tracked the poor reliability of DSLExtreme as my internet service provider. After digging into the problem and talking with others, I've finally found the way to fix it!!
  • Problem: DSLExtreme internet service does down about once per day! And it can stay down for a hour or longer!! Calls to tech support can be an hour long wait and then they hang up on you!
  • Reason: the dslextreme dns server (both the primary and the secondary) go down (Note: you don't have to understand what this means to fix the problem)
  • Easiest fix: add addtional dns servers. Here's how:
    • On your Window PC : Click on Start button, control panel, network connections
    • On a "connected" network connection, right mouse click, choose properties
    • In the checkbox area , highlight the TCP/IP selection and click properties
    • The screen that appears probably says dns server addresses are obtained automatically. Change that to "use the following dns addresses". But that screen only allows you to add 2 addresses. The dslextreme downtime is caused when both servers fail. So, add more dns servers as follows:
    • Click advanced button
    • choose dns tab
    • add the following dns ip addresses (I got these from the dslextreme support pages):
    • Click all the OK buttons to get out. This will make dslextreme stable for you!!
      • If these instructions have helped you, feel free to click on an advertisement at the top, bottom, or side of this web page -- thanks! (Your ads click might get you to switch internet providers ... hee hee)
      • This web page has some screen shots to help out the instructions above -- you can follow the screen shots up to step 4
  • Alternative
    : run your own dns server. I used treewalk for windows and it worked well for a month. It might go down every week or two, but then you just restart it.

Monday, September 04, 2006

DSLExtreme Review: Very Poor Uptime Reliability (goes down a lot)

DSLExtreme - Homepage

dslextreme went down again just now. i called tech support and waited on hold for an hour. when my turn came up, they hung up on me!!! they know what the problem is: the service is down. the status recording says everything is operational -- ha!

i really regret signing up with dslextreme!!

the previous time i called tech support, he said i should reset my dsl modem to fix it. i did that this time several times. did not fix the problem. it's a network problem -- i can tell by calling customer support and not being able to get through. that's what happened this time when i called back after they hung up on me.

i wish i could quit them. but their terms are: $250 cancellation fee!!! yes, that's outragous!!

See the last comment for a fix to this problem!! or just click on DSLExtreme Fix

Friday, August 11, 2006


  • 1 year old
  • based on ruby on rails but not super strict about it
  • 2 - 3 developers for 1 yr full time
  • larry is the lead
  • php4 and php5

  • very good eg: http://rdscaffolder.rd11.org/

  • currently no oracle support
  • unlike other frameworks, cakephp has no dependencies on other code. download and use.
  • could be good for intranet in IT.

  • after 1st bake and want changes in db: create changes by hand.

other php frameworks
  • php on trax: rails based. php5 only. pure ruby port
  • symphony: yamel based

Wednesday, July 19, 2006



this is my livejournal blog

and this is my Vox blog



this is my myspace blog

django: python and the web

django: Web Development for Perfectionists with Deadlines

Google TechTalks
April 26, 2006

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Django is one of the premier web frameworks for Python, and is often compared to Ruby-on-Rails. Jacob is one of the lead developers on Django.

the sound of Portfolio of Kathy Evans

Portfolio of Kathy Evans

nice use of sound in the opening of this site

Zend Developer Zone | Extending the CakePHP framework

Zend Developer Zone | Extending the CakePHP framework

todo: just skim this to get a taste of cakephp

Zend Developer Zone | Blogging with Zend Framework

Zend Developer Zone | Blogging with Zend Framework


is this open sourced?

Zend Developer Zone | Integrating Propel with the Zend Framework

Zend Developer Zone | Integrating Propel with the Zend Framework

todo: skim this and see if propel is something i should use

Zend Developer Zone | PHP Gotchas!

Zend Developer Zone | PHP Gotchas!

minor todo

Zend Developer Zone | Integrating Smarty and ez Components with the Zend Framework

Zend Developer Zone | Integrating Smarty and ez Components with the Zend Framework


Zend Developer Zone | Integrating Smarty with the Zend Framework

Zend Developer Zone | Integrating Smarty with the Zend Framework


Zend Developer Zone | Blueprint for PHP Applications: Bootstrapping (part 2)

Zend Developer Zone | Blueprint for PHP Applications: Bootstrapping (part 2)


Microformats, PHP, and hKit

Zend Developer Zone | Microformats, PHP, and hKit

tag: todo

Zend Framework Controller -- Ingredients » Nick’s Notepad » Blog Archive » RewriteRouter and Zend_Config play together

Ingredients » Nick’s Notepad » Blog Archive » RewriteRouter and Zend_Config play together

note: Warning: This is subversive code! As such, you must check out the latest version from the subversion repository before you can play with Nick’s ideas.

tag: todo

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Collaborative News Survey: Hype versus Reality | Center for Citizen Media: Blog

Collaborative News Survey: Hype versus Reality | Center for Citizen Media: Blog

i think this explores the question: who reads blogs and why

tag: todo

Visitor Click Tracking in Adsense, Chitika and YPN with Google Analytics » Digital Inspiration

Visitor Click Tracking in Adsense, Chitika and YPN with Google Analytics » Digital Inspiration

read this some day

tag: todo

Huy's blog is, well, not super-powered ;-)

JavaJet - Powered By Bloglines

hey, Huy, how do i post comments on your blog posts?? i think you chose the wrong blogging tool ;-)

Huy's javascript debugging tip

JavaJet - Powered By Bloglines

Got my friend Huy to start a blog... (he's jealous of my blog). he's found something in bloglines (when reading my blog) so he created his blog there.

his post gives a javascript debugging tip!

Bassam’s Blog

Bassam’s Blog

here's the blog of my co-worker Bassam.
He's a cool guy whose all over the latest happenings on the web (hey, geeks are in! ;-) -- (where's my smilie faces!!)

PS: we are testing to see if trackbacks work ...

wonder if i need to point to a particular blog entry to get a trackback. if so, here it is: Mac born every minute (hahahaha) this is about Bassam's new Mac. this is good for me since suddenly have some Mac work to do at our company ...

WWW FAQs: How do I include one HTML file in another?

WWW FAQs: How do I include one HTML file in another?

this page shows the answer to a question i had,
so i'm obliging by posting about it --
no wonder it appears so high in the google search!!

PS: well, none of the 3 ways is that great. i'll use a 4th way: i'm using smarty so i'll use smarty templates include function ... duh!

Start Blogging

i'm starting my geeky blog here (where's my smilely face icons!!)

About Me

I'm a web dude and this is my geek blog. There should be lots of content ... if I'm working hard ...